My second rescue operation occurred that same cruise. My official Letter of Commendation states, "While at anchor in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, on 26 January, 1960, this vessel was notified that a whaleboat from the USS Midway (CVA 41) was overdue from a fishing trip and helicopter assistance was needed. You immediately maned a helicopter and commenced a search for the whaleboat and its personnel. You located two search boats aground on a coral reef about four miles south of the USS Midway. You then rescued a total of seven enlisted personnel and two officers from the grounded boats and returned them to Kearsarge in safety. This necessitated a total of three round trips between the boats and Kearsarge. These rescue operations were conducted under conditions of darkness, gusty winds of 20 to 25 knots, and intermittent light rain. Visibility was reduced to one mile in some areas. Your undivided attention and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service and you are hereby commended for your outstanding performance of duty. This letter will be made a part of your official record."
[signed] R. L. Townsand, Commanding Officer and dated 20 February 1960.
Note: LTJG Joe Greer was one of the pilots and we made two flights back to the carrier with three rescued on each flight. The first flight back to Kearsarge was the Navy's first night all-weather rescue by a helicopter. Joe says that he flew IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) during those flights in heavy rain and gusting winds, and his attention focused on Sikorsky's newly modified cockpit flight Instruments for the "1-N" model. I also recall that my cabin partner Gary lane lost his intercom communications capability requiring me to switch between sending helo drift feedback to the pilots and working the hoist. Image on the left shows LTJG Greer in 1959.Notes:
- On October 7, 1960 the pilots and crewmembers received Letters of Commendation from the Secretary of the Navy, W. B. Franke. Note: A copy of the SECNAV communication can be seen here: here.
- The earlier rescue operation was in Nagoya, Japan.
- That cruise was distinguished for its rescues as noted here.
- Photo of me above in 1959 operating Sonar equipment in an HSS-1N helicopter as was used in the USS Midway rescue operation.
Related Links:
- USS Kearsarge
- Official HS-6 insignia
- Looks like Charles O. Borgstrom, then a LT and one of my favorite officers, made Captain and C.O.